Frequently asked questions

We know that finding the right information quickly is essential when running a golf club, which is why we help you streamline your FAQ section to answer the most common inquiries with clarity and ease. At Mountain Forty Nine Golf, we ensure your website provides an intuitive, accessible FAQ page that improves user experience and reduces the need for unnecessary phone calls or emails.

Here’s what a well structured FAQ page should include:

  • Course Information – Details about your course, including booking procedures, opening hours, and pricing
  • Driving Range – Information on available facilities, pricing, and how to reserve a spot
  • Coaching Services – FAQs on lessons, availability, and coaching packages
  • Memberships & Packages – Clear information on membership types, benefits, and how to join

Is this Accordion style layout easy to use?

Yes! Also, we can configure it to appear in multiple different ways.

Is there a limit to how many questions we can present in this way?

There is no limit, meaning that a comprehensive section can take up this space.

What is the appeal to the user?

Users love to click, and also this layout looks fantastic on mobile and so is pleasing to the users eye on a smaller screen.

Making it easy for visitors to find answers

We help clubs create a well-organized FAQ page that addresses the most common concerns while providing clear, concise answers. By featuring everything from course rules to membership benefits, we ensure visitors can get the answers they need, helping to reduce confusion and improve overall satisfaction.

Your FAQ page should be a helpful resource, not an afterthought. Let us assist you in designing one that’s as welcoming and professional as the rest of your site.